
Video ads use captivating visuals and engaging storytelling to draw users' to your business.

of consumers prefer learning about a product via video

of consumers purchased a product/service after seeing a video ad

of marketers say video increases brand awareness

Two types of video advertising we offer:

Pre-Roll Video Ads on Laptop

Pre-roll Video

15- or 30-second video ads that play before, during, and after premium video content on desktop and mobile versions of websites. These ads are highly targeted, reaching specific audiences through geography, demographics, and audience interests.

Two-thirds of consumers prefer watching videos about products or services over reading about them.

Targeting (1)

Targeting Options

(zip codes, cities, counties, regions)

(gender, age, parent status, annual household income, education, homeowner status)

Audience interests
(restaurants, sports, shopping)

Video Ads on Phone and Tablet Screens


15- or 30-second video ads served to users after entering ‘virtual fences’ while they’re using apps and websites with location services enabled.

These videos have the ability to occupy 100% of the screen, capturing the user's attention.

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